Empowering Cells In Vivo to Fight Cancer
Transforming adoptive cell therapy with off-the-shelf, immune-shielded, cost-effective solutions—simplifying cancer treatment for patients and providers worldwide.
Affordable, Effective, and Accessible Vector Solutions
At EsoBiotec, our mission is clear: to make cancer treatments more accessible, effective, and affordable. By engineering immune cells directly within the patient’s body, we are eliminating the barriers of traditional cell therapies and unlocking new possibilities for solid tumors and autoimmune diseases.
Pioneering In Vivo Solutions
Our proprietary ENaBL vector platform redefines adoptive cell therapy, enabling single injection, off-the-shelf treatments that reduce costs and simplify logistics.
Proven Expertise
Backed by €22 million in funding and a team of global leaders in cell and gene therapies, we are on the forefront of medical innovation.
Expanding Impact
From hematologic cancers to solid tumors and autoimmune diseases, our pipeline aims to address significant unmet medical needs.
Key Differentiators?
We are committed to putting patients first by designing therapies that eliminate the need for lymphodepletion, minimize the risk of immune rejection and graft-versus-host disease, and simplify treatment journeys to improve accessibility and overall quality of life.
1. Off-the-Shelf Therapies
No need for complex cell manufacturing, lymphodepletion or invasive procedures.
2. Immune Shielding Technology
Enhanced safety and efficacy through advanced lentiviral vector technology.
3. Scalable Manufacturing
Leverage over two decades of industrial-grade manufacturing to ensure high yeild and high purity production enabling global availability.

Jean-Pierre Latere, PhD

Philippe Parone, PhD

Armen Asatryan, MD
Clinical Development Lead Advisor

Sophie Amsellem-Bosq, PharmD, PhD
CMC and Manufacturing Lead Advisor